Sick Day!

Chicken noodle soup! Now I’m no Martha Stuart, so normally some frozen peas in a packet of Lipton will do just fine, not so much the case when you’re trying to fight off a harsh craving brought on by an even worse cold.

Summer has not officially ended yet, but lately that hasn’t seemed to stop me from walking around my house with tissues sticking out the pockets of my sweats like it’s a napkin holder, and my hair tied up in a knot, and it doesn’t seem to be stopping my cold from making me look like I jumped out of a morning scene in an Advil commercial. So, despite the fact that we are only a few days into September, and the sun is still shining, I needed soup! So when I could no longer fight off the craving, and decided that my sore throat lozenges weren’t quite working fast enough, and not even my favorite zebra-printed blanket — Which I spent most of my morning coiled up in– could comfort my cold into submission, I caved: Put on my big girl clothes, and went to buy onions…

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